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Sunday 8 May 2011

Without Dramatic Consequences...

The world and everything around me was vast ... was ... immense!

Ah! But I miss it so dearly, that it is actually tightening my chest! A chest which has been magnified by everything I have learned since the childish days of life in me!

I could always leave... And Without Dramatic Consequences...absent myself from those I love!

Then, come back for some fifteen times and all...however, it always seemed like the yesterday of my departure and the exact today of my return.

It was endlessly the same joy. And definitely the same happiness revived at each meeting.
It was always such an everlasting encounter and eternal return.

I, always had the same taste and the same itchiness to repeat the feat!
Yes, the deed of separation!

Thus, again the eternal taste of joy and the happiness of my reunion.

                                                                                                       Always there and waiting for me.

Right there... open arms, without complaining and no charges.

I could never cover any request in return ... any requirement!

In other words, explanations! Exigencies!

Tutoring! What for?!

Life can not be explained in any way!


... I'm a manifest of the progress of this expression! Either by my voice ... life !!!;) Or from my fingers which typed what you have just read ... life ... pure life! ... I am one of the manifests of the unfolding life ... !!!;)

1 comment:

  1. This is Dynni, my sweet companion! Lots of love for her!
