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Wednesday 18 May 2011

Intellectual Video That Goes Beyond Itself!

This highly intellectual video on atheism goes far beyond it! So I feel.
I mean; the ability to be there discussing abstract things such as; faith and religion! Perception and intuition! Reason and superstitious beliefs...

Although I could clearly see the intellectuals trying to reduce some theories to nothing; there is also a great deal of clarifying and very reasonable talking.

 For instance; the professor Richard Dawkins’ desire to help us open our minds over to reason, instead of blindly believing in whatever religious nonsense! Just because one might be afraid of a Divine punishment!

I totally agree with him that we need to use our capabilities and reason about such repressed superstitious prejudices!
Nevertheless, he has rejected the opportunity to debate his atheistic views against William Lane Craig’s teleological views!  And at another point, when asked: - “can you give an example of a genetic mutation or an evolutionary process which can be seen to increase the information of the genome?”  He really struggled to construct an answer and that was quite uncomfortable to watch.

Never mind, that was only a human reaction nothing else. We are in it together. Some are here as scientists, others as philosophers and so fourth. None of us know it all. What matters is that one keeps on broadening his/her mind and understandings, as much as one possibly can.

I surely agree a lot with him although I truly empathise with William Lane Craig imputes although he is not part of this particular debate.

He says that in recent decades scientists have marvelled; at the discovery that the conditions of the Big Bang have been finely tuned for the existence of intelligent life, with a precision and elegance that literally defies human understanding!

He talks of something made of two kinds: -one; when the laws of nature are expressed as a mathematical equation... some constants, such as the gravitational constant... what intrigues me the most is that these so intricate constants are not determined by the laws of nature though!
However, the laws of nature are consistent with a wide range of values for these very constants, how amazing!

-Two: -and to make things even more sophisticated, there are certain arbitrary quantities distributed as the inaugural conditions in which the laws of nature then influence.
We can use the quantity of entropy or the balance between the matter and the antimatter in the universe as an example. Now all these constants and quantities fall into a remarkably narrow range of values that permit life. Should these quantities or constant be changed in less than a human hair, the balance would be destroyed and life would not exist... so says William Lane Craig and it really makes sense so far!

One only has to keep the mind open and be aware of the real meaning behind these kinds of debates!
The talkings are all about faith and beliefs after all! You either believe one or the other!

The atheists cannot prove their statement about a nonexistent Creator! And the believers cannot prove that there’s a God! Hence, the former believe that there’s no God as much as the later believe that there’s a God!

However, in my view and experience, one may learn something crucial with them all!
For me, at this exact moment ... The fine tuning of the universe is a good enough theory as it follows logically that the best explanation so far is the Design. Thus, the teleological argument gives me something to hold on to! It offers me an intelligent Designer of the Cosmos and that suffices... for now.

Life is so broaden! One cannot place it in a box of any kind!
Meanwhile I’ll keep on learning and thinking things through before I board in a strange place and call it my home!

What about you?!

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